Verkhovna Rada returns Ukrainian delegation to PACE
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The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved the decision to restore participation of the Ukrainian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in 2020.
The corresponding resolution No. 2718 "On the Statement on Participation of the Permanent Delegation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the Work of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in 2020" was supported by 348 lawmakers, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"The purpose of participation of the Ukrainian delegation in PACE is to prevent the preservation of the current situation in Europe which resulted from the aggressive foreign policy of the Russian Federation, to convey unbiased information about the illegal actions of the Russian Federation in the occupied territories of Ukraine and Ukraine's efforts to stop armed aggression of the CoE member and overcome its consequences, as well as to prevent dissemination of false narratives about the situation in Ukraine at the PACE. The decision on participation of the Ukrainian delegation in the PACE corresponds to the national interest and Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Ukraine," reads the resolution.

The statement also underscored the importance of participation of the Ukrainian delegation in the PACE session in order to facilitate Ukraine's fulfillment of its obligations as a full-fledged member of the Council of Europe, as well as to actively participate in the improvement of existing and the creation of new human rights standards of the Council of Europe,

At the same time, the Verkhovna Rada calls on the Council of Europe member states to step up efforts to encourage the Russian side to fulfill its international obligations as a member of the Council of Europe, including resolutions and recommendations adopted by the Assembly, in order to restore Russia’s respect for the principles of international law, including territorial integrity and inviolability of borders in Europe.

The statement further calls for measures to be taken to restore effective and full PACE monitoring over Russian Federation's fulfillment of the obligations defined by PACE Conclusion No. 193 (1996), including the resolution of international disputes exclusively by peaceful means, the settlement of border issues on the basis of international law, and the refusal to extend to individual countries the zones of their special influence, the withdrawal of troops from the territory of Moldova, compliance with international humanitarian law.

As reported, the Ukrainian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe officially refused to participate in the last autumn session in protest of return of the Russian delegation to PACE.

In April 2014, PACE deprived the Russian delegation of the right to vote over the annexation of Crimea. On June 25, 2019, PACE adopted the resolution allowing the Russian delegation to return to the Assembly.