Any measures prescribed by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea will facilitate the release of Ukrainian sailors, who were captured by Russian officers near the Kerch Strait in November 2018.
"I emphasize that any measures prescribed by the Tribunal will facilitate the release of our sailors. Of course, the more clearly they will be put, the easier it will be to demand that Russia enforce the order of the Tribunal. Even if the Tribunal decides that there are no grounds for adopting an order on interim measures, it will also be a step forward in our strategy for the release of Ukrainian naval vessels and sailors," she wrote.
Zerkal reminded that Ukraine appealed to the ITLOS requiring the Russian Federation to release the captured naval vessels and return them to the custody of Ukraine, to suspend criminal proceedings against 24 detained sailors, to release them and allow them to return to Ukraine.
She also reminded that in the 2013 Arctic Sunrise case, Russia released people within a month after the ITLOS had delivered its order. In another similar case - Enrica Lexie - the situation was more complicated, but the people also finally returned to their homeland.
"Therefore, I am convinced that we will achieve the release of our sailors and their return to Ukraine!" Zerkal summed up.
The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea will deliver its order in the case Ukraine v. Russian Federation on Saturday, May 25, at noon.