Electricity supply in the Syrian province of Daraa will be fully restored by 2023 after distibution substations are repaired, head of the provincial government's electricity department Hasan Zamel told reporters on Thursday.
"The ministry of electricity in Damascus has developed a plan for full restoration of electricity in Daraa by 2023. Restoration will take so much time for two reasons: firstly, because power grids were seriously damaged by militants, and secondly, because of insufficient financing," Zamel said.
He added that all residents will get access to electricity this year, but only at certain times of the day. Full electricity supply will be restored only in four years.
Zamel noted that "power grids in Daraa will need to be re-built from scratch." Infrastructure damages in the Daraa province are estimated at around $85 million, whole only $11.6 million were allocated for repairs, he concluded.