Zelensky signs law protecting businesses from controllers and bureaucrats
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed law No. 165-IX introducing amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses to strengthen the protection of business entities against unlawful actions or inactivity of permitting authorities, according to the official website of the head of state.
"This document envisages the strengthening of administrative responsibility of officials of permitting authorities for violations of the requirements of the legislation on the issuance of permits. [...] The law specifies the composition of individual administrative offenses and establishes new administrative offenses in the said field, for which administrative responsibility is imposed," the report reads.

It notes that the implementation of the provisions of the law will help reduce the cases of unlawful or unjustified refusals to issue permits or to register a declaration of compliance of the material and technical resources of an economic entity with the requirements of the legislation.

"The law creates for business entities the new legal mechanisms to influence officials of permitting authorities if they violate the requirements of the legislation on issuing documents. In this regard, it is expected that the level of discipline of officials of permitting authorities in the exercise of their powers in view of the risk of being brought to administrative responsibility will be increased," the presidential press service added.

On October 3, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law introducing amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses to strengthen the protection of business entities against unlawful actions or inactivity of permitting authorities.