French parliament approves controversial protest law
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France's National Assembly passed a controversial law Tuesday aimed at cracking down on violent protesters in the wake of the so-called Yellow Jackets demonstrations.

The law would allow administrative rather than judicial authorities to issue protest bans against certain individuals that they consider to be a serious threat to public order, for example, according to French media. Violators face up to six months in prison and a fine of €7,500.

Human rights advocates as well as members of Emmanuel Macron's own La République En Marche (LREM) party have criticized the bill, arguing it infringes upon the freedom to protest. While the legislation passed by 387 votes for and 92 against, 50 LREM lawmakers abstained — a record for legislation backed by the government.

Centrist lawmaker Charles de Courson criticized the bill in the assembly last week, warning that it would mark “the return of the Vichy regime,” which collaborated with Germany during World War II.

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner defended the measures in a Facebook post on Monday before the vote, writing that the law “ensures the protection of individual freedoms and affirms the freedom to demonstrate.”

The result came as members of the Yellow Jackets movement and the CGT trade union announced they would join forces in a national 24-hour strike for “fiscal justice” and increased wages.

Official figures show that 1,000 police officers and 1,700 demonstrators have been injured since the at times violent Yellow Jackets protests began in November, according to Euronews.

Protesters paid homage to those injured by the police during the twelfth consecutive week of demonstrations on Saturday, following a French administrative court decision to allow police officers to continue using rubber bullet launchers against protesters.

The legislation will now move to the Senate for discussion.