Iran says its ballistic missile program non-negotiable, will continue to build
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The Iranian regime said on Tuesday that it’s not interested in having talks with the U.S. and Europe concerning their ballistic missile program, but said that it won’t work increasing the missiles’ range – only the precision.

Iran’s military capabilities have long been under scrutiny, with U.S. and European countries trying to crackdown on the development of the weapons program.

The Trump administration withdrew last year from the nuclear accord and imposed harsh economic sanctions, claiming that the deal, struck under the Obama administration, didn’t curb the regime’s ballistic missiles.

European countries like France, meanwhile, raised questions recently over the missiles, saying that sanctions on Iran can be enacted if there was no progress made over the weapon program.

But Iran fired back saying their weapons program is off limits. “The enemies say Iran’s missile power should be eliminated, but we have repeatedly said our missile capabilities are not negotiable,” said Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatami, according to Tasnim news agency, Reuters reported.

Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s National Security Council and a close aide of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the regime will work to improve the accuracy of the missiles.

“Iran has no scientific or operational restriction for increasing the range of its military missiles, but based on its defensive doctrine, it is continuously working on increasing the precision of the missiles and has no intention to increase their range,” he was quoted as saying by state broadcaster IRIB.

“Iran has no scientific or operational restriction for increasing the range of its military missiles, but based on its defensive doctrine, it is continuously working on increasing the precision of the missiles, and has no intention to increase their range.”

— Ali Shamkhani, the secretary of Iran’s National Security Council
He added that Tehran will continue to work on the technology in an effort to “to improve the quality of people’s lives and increase the country’s technological prowess.”