Activists protest govt neglect on Independence Day
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As Lebanese authorities marked the country's 75th year of independence with a military parade, activists protested what they described as the country's ongoing failures with regard to infrastructure, human rights and the environment.

The protest, which drew several hundred people under the slogan "Our independence from your exploitation," was organized by a coalition of activist groups, including the You Stink campaign, which arose out of the country's trash crisis, and the Li Baladi campaign, which ran a slate of civil society candidates in the spring parliamentary elections.

The demonstrators gathered outside Beirut's National Museum and marched to Martyrs' Square. Many chanted against sectarianism and the "thieves" in government.

Some carried Lebanese flags and banners that read, "We still lack housing and work and education ... We still lack independence" and "We still lack electricity and clean water ... We still lack independence."

Others foisted signs protesting specific policies, such as the pollution of the seas and the government’s plan to introduce incinerators as a solution to Beirut's waste disposal problems.

“Today we are coming out to say that true independence is when the state respects the worth of the people," lawyer and activist Wassef Harake told The Daily Star.

"What kind of independence is it when today the citizens don’t have clean water? What kind of independence where there’s no electricity?"

The Independence Day protest was the first step in a planned series of 12 actions spanning the next year, Harake said.

Gilles Samaha, one of the protest’s organizers and a member of the Li Baladi campaign, said that after seeing anemic results for independent candidates in the parliamentary elections, activists decided to launch a long-term plan of action.

Out of the 66 candidates who ran under the “Kilna Watani” (All for the Nation) coalition of civil society campaigns nationwide, only former television personality Paula Yacoubian won a spot.

"We are trying now to work on a long-term process, not only to be obsessed with elections," Samaha said. "It will be a long process from the bottom up."