Hong Kong 'Occupy' protest leaders deny public nuisance charges
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Three leaders of Hong Kong’s 2014 pro-democracy “Occupy” movement, which paralyzed parts of the Chinese-ruled city for nearly three months, denied public nuisance charges on Monday as international criticism of the erosion of civil liberties grows.

Law professor Benny Tai, 54, retired sociologist Chan Kin-man, 59, and retired pastor Chu Yiu-ming, 74, face charges of conspiracy and incitement to commit public nuisance, and incitement to incite public nuisance.

The closely watched trial illustrates the tensions in the former British colony as disaffected democracy activists push back against attempts by Communist Party leaders in Beijing to tighten their grip on the city’s freedoms and autonomy.

Each charge carries a maximum jail term of seven years. Six others, including two lawmakers, are also facing public nuisance charges in a trial that is expected to last around 20 days.

In a show of defiance, the nine defendants and more than 100 supporters unfurled yellow umbrellas, a symbol of the movement, outside the court, clapping and demanding an end to “political prosecution”.

“A movement can be crushed but not defeated,” the nine said in a joint statement. “These charges enable the government to abuse the power of prosecution and infringe on the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. The nine defendants unanimously decided not to plead guilty.”

Tai told Reuters he hoped the trial would be an opportunity to “reboot the spirit of the people”.

Hong Kong returned to Chinese rule in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” formula, with the guarantee of a high degree of autonomy and freedoms denied citizens in mainland China, including freedom of speech and the right to protest.

However, critics, including foreign governments, business groups and activists, say that the guarantee is ringing increasingly hollow.