World War One: Theresa May pays respects in France and Belgium
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Theresa May has laid a wreath at the graves of the first and last UK soldiers killed in World War One, as part of a trip to France and Belgium to mark the Armistice centenary.

Visiting the St Symphorien Military Cemetery in Mons, the PM thanked fallen soldiers for being "staunch to the end against odds uncounted".

She also stood for the sound of The Last Post before a minute's silence.

Mrs May is visiting war cemeteries with the leaders of France and Belgium.

Later she will attend a private meeting and working lunch with French President Emmanuel Macron.

During the ceremony at Mons on Friday morning, accompanied by Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel, the prime minister laid wreaths at the graves of John Parr, the first UK soldier to be killed in 1914, and the last, George Ellison.

He was killed on the Western Front at 09:30 GMT, before the Armistice came into effect at 11:00, 100 years ago this Sunday.

On the way to the cemetery in Mons, a policeman on a motorbike was hurt when a vehicle tried to drive between Mrs May and Mr Michel's convoys - not realising there were two separate convoys.

A spokesman for Mr Michel said the policeman and another officer, who was also on a motorbike, "had to manoeuvre so as not to crash into that car" and "narrowly escaped crashing into the Belgian prime minister's vehicle".

The officer fell off his bike and was "injured but not heavily so", the spokesman said. Mr Michel got out of his car to make sure the policeman was OK and waited for an ambulance to arrive.

Mrs May and her companions were in front so did not see what happened but were briefed afterwards.

Mrs May and Mr Michel later attended a reception, where they met British and Belgian serving members of the armed forces.

The prime minister has travelled to France and will meet Mr Macron in Albert, a town in the heart of the Somme region of France which suffered heavy bombardment during World War One.

The two leaders will attend a wreath-laying ceremony at the nearby Thiepval Memorial, which commemorates more than 70,000 British and Commonwealth soldiers.

A wreath combining the poppy and le bleuet (or cornflower) - the two national emblems of remembrance for Britain and France - has been made for the occasion.

Mrs May said the visit would be a chance to reflect on the time the countries spent fighting side by side in Europe, but also to look ahead to a "shared future, built on peace, prosperity and friendship".

She said the ceremony at Mons was "a fitting and poignant symbol" for "every member of the armed forces who gave their lives to protect what we hold so dear".

"We remember the heroes who lost their lives in the horror of the trenches. As the sun sets on 100 years of remembrance, we will never forget their sacrifice."